My weekend stated with a lot of dirty clothes. I wash loundry.
On Saturday, after of a lunch, I went to my qualification class in Iesam. But, I was not the end, because I went to my niece's birthdays.
Then I went to the Pitty concert and arrived in my house 1:50 a.m.
I got up later in Sunday. Of afternoon, i was studying for my English test and write my dissertation, but my friends invited me from go out. We watched a movie and talked a lot of. We had a fun Sunday night.
I went to bed early, very early, because I was very tired.
The end!
ResponderExcluirPra um começo tá bom! Rsrs...
Acho que errastes nas preposições, tipo "In saturday", acho q é "on saturday" e "at Iesan"
Engraçado, eu sempre escrevi "i was" em vez de "i went", mas tá certo.
Eu não entendi esse verbo "itudying"!!!!!!!